
Friday 14 February 2014

The Golden Lyre ( Adonai ) & The Fire In The Sun ( Satyavan ) : Jim Morrison Coming Back To Eternal Life

The Golden Lyre symbolism


Adonis as the vegetative god of
Rebirth: The mystic cult of Adonis heralds him as the Eternal youth or the one with immaculate poise and charm. Known to be the supreme beholder of Beauty Adonis derives his name from Adon meaning 'the Lord' and hence bears its etymogical roots to Judaism as Adonai in the Hebrew Bible referring to God in reverence or as in prayer. Related with occultism and mystery religions the legend of Adonis is in detailed literary description in the Book X of the Roman poet Ovid's epic Metamorphoses. The son of Myrrha & Cinyras, his mother turned into a Myrrh tree while Lucina the Epithet for Juno facilitated the childbirth. Adonis was then sheltered and cared as a new born babe by Aphrodite who later handed him over to Persephone, but Adonis chose to stay under Aphrodite's care.
The vegetative cycle of birth & growth, Sparagmos or dismemberment & scattering and then regeneration is characteristic of the Nature deity. This cyclical pattern of reappearance is alluded to the theological and spiritual themes of immortality, ressurection and reincarnation. The annual renewal and ever youthful nature of Adonis embodies the growth cycle of plants or crops. As referenced in Mythography of the late 19th and early 20th century in Frazer's The Golden Bough, the vegetation deity was refered as the Corn Spirit, corn as in the sense meaning grain or crop. Thus symbolically explaining the cyclical process of regrowth and renewal.

CREATION MYTHS ALLUDED TO VEGETATION GODS: Several creational myths are associated with the cyclical aspect of the Vegetation deities as bearing structural resemblances of the primeval & the primordial body of the deity generating the aspects Cosmos from his own Self as in the Norse myth of Ymir.

SYNONYMOUS CONNECTIONS: Adonis is synonymous with Eygptian god Osiris in aspects of rebirth,spring and fertility. Alongwith synonymity to Syrian counterpart Gauas or Aos, the Mesopotamian Counterparts Tammuz and Baal,
The Etruscan god Atunis, the Phoenician god Eshmun, the Norse god Baldr and the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, bear resemblances to Adonis in terms of their regenerative aspects.      

Is one of the claimed sites related to Adonis as it is belived that each Spring it is the blood of Adonis that flows turning red this torrential river as a sign of his subsequent return or Rebirth

Fire In The Sun symbolism

Satyavan as the return of the eternal One : The legend of Savitri & Satyavan finds its mention in the Book of The Forest in the Epic legend Mahabharata Markandeya one of the stalwart sages and descendent of the Bhrigu Rishis reciprocates as an answer to the question by the Eldest Pandava brother Yudishthir when he asks to equate another woman comparable to the idealistic virtues of Draupadi. As an answer Markandeya narrates the immortal saga of Savitri and Satyavan The childless king Aswapati and Malavi by the grace of the Sun god Savitr gets bestowed with a divine daughter naming her Savitri on reaching her youth she sets forth to search for her ideal soul mate and thus encounters Satyavan the prince of the blind king Dyumatsena who lives as a forest dweller in exile post loss of his once prosperous kingdom. Satyavan as predicted by Sage Narada is predicted to collapse soon after their marriage hence prohibits Savitri to marry him. But unwithered and strong willed Savitri goes forward to unite with her eternal lover. On the fateful day she accompanies her husband to the woods while Yama comes forth to carry Satyavan to the Underworld, Savitri perplexes him with her logical reasoning, impressed with her Yama eventually submits to her will in appreciation and thereby grants her the life of her husband alongwith the eyesight and lost prosperity of her father-in-law .

Sri Aurobindo adapts his epic poem in blank verse  Savitri  based on the above theology from the account of its narration in the Mahabharata as the means for evolution of mankind from its terrestial conscious levels to creating the Gnostic Super race on earth. Satyavan is allegorically implied to mankind struggling for its unison with the Divine. Whereas Savitri is empowered as the all illumined truth being thevdaughter of the heralding Sunlight, the dawn symbolism marks the opening scene representing the onset of the Spiritual quest-" It was the hour before the Gods awake ."..... Aswapati represents the lord of the horse or the lord of Tapasya- the one who aspires and achieves the immortal planes within the mortal earthly frame. While Dyumatsena symbolises the lord of the Shining hosts or the Divine blinded by the earthly existence seeking itself through the guidance of the light of truth Savitri. Thus, it displays the immortal tale of the conjugal of lovers overpowering earthly existence culminating themselves in Divine Union as Sri Aurobindo states -
"Love is the yearning of the one for the One".....

Jim Morrison's Eternal Life, his poetic creations, soul rendering feelings, his love and his emotions, depict the legends of long lost coming back again to Life ...His Second Coming Rebirth ....

Now Night arrives in her purple legion

Retire now to your tents & to your dreams

Tommorow we enter the town of my birth

I want to be ready .

The soft parade has now soon begun
Cool pools

From a tired land

Sink now

In the peace of the evening

For seven years
I dwelt in the loose palace of exile....

Now again I have come to the land of the fair, & the strong &  the wise....

                                        - Jim Morrison

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